§ 1162. Planned zoning districts.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Any application to rezone land to a planned zoning district, including RR2, shall constitute an application for conditional zoning. The written and graphic information submitted by the applicant as part of the application process shall constitute proffers. Once the Town Council has approved the final master plan, all accepted proffers shall constitute conditions, enforceable by the Zoning Administrator.


    To initiate an amendment, the applicant shall complete a rezoning application. The application shall be accompanied by graphic and written information, which shall constitute a preliminary master plan. All information submitted shall be of sufficient clarity and scale to clearly and accurately identify the location, nature, and character of the proposed district. At a minimum this information shall include:


    A legal description and plat of the total site proposed for development; showing the site boundaries, and existing street lines, lot lines, total acreage, and easements.


    Existing zoning, land use, tax parcel number and ownership of each parcel proposed for the district.


    A general statement of planning objectives to be achieved by the planned zoning district, including a description of the character of the proposed development, the existing and proposed ownership of the site, and the market for which the development is oriented.


    A description, map, and analysis of existing site conditions, including information on topography, archeological and historic resources, natural water courses, floodplains, unique natural features, tree cover areas, etc.


    A comprehensive sign plan.


    A land use plan designating categories of uses and their location on the site, and establishing site development standards, including setback, height, lot coverage, floor area ratios, density, building envelopes, and the proposed lot layout of the planned zoning district.


    A circulation plan, including location of existing and proposed vehicular, pedestrian, bicycle, and other circulation facilities and location and general design of parking and loading facilities. General information on the trip generation, ownership and maintenance and proposed construction standards for these facilities should be included. A Traffic Impact Analysis may be required by the Administrator.


    A public services and utilities plan providing engineering requirements for and provision of public water, public sewer, and storm water facilities to serve the site.


    Statements pertaining to any architectural and community design guidelines shall be submitted in sufficient detail to provide information on building designs, orientations, styles, lighting plans, etc.


    A phasing plan delineating the proposed phases of the development, the approximate commencement date for construction and a proposed build-out period.


    The names and addresses of adjacent property owners, including their property's tax parcel number, zoning, and land use.


    A statement that a property owner's or other association will be created to meet any proffered obligations, as applicable.


    The completed rezoning application and supporting preliminary master plan materials shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission and the Town Council through the procedures for review of applications for an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance.


    The plan approved by the Town Council shall constitute the final master plan for the planned development. Once approved by the Town Council, the applicant shall submit a mylar copy of the approved plan. The Administrator shall authorize the revisions to the official zoning map to indicate the establishment of the planned zoning district. The approval of the final master plan for a planned zoning district is equivalent to, and has the effect of, the approval of a preliminary subdivision plat, pursuant to Town Code, Appendix B, Blacksburg Subdivision Ordinance, Article IV.


    No building permits may be issued on land within the planned development until final plans for the development have been approved by the Administrator under the procedures outlined below.


    The Administrator shall approve or disapprove a final site development plan within sixty (60) days from receipt of such plan. The plan shall be in substantial conformance with the approved final master plan. Such final site development plan may include one (1) or more sections of the overall planned zoning district, and shall meet all applicable federal, state and Town regulations and shall contain specific details of information required generally in the preliminary plan, including, if applicable, documents of a condominium, merchant's, property owner's or homeowners' association incorporated under laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, declaration of covenants and restrictions, and other similar documents.

    ( Ord. No. 1724, § 1, 6-10-14 )